Archive for August, 2011

A New Leaf

August 30, 2011

leaf 1 Photo Credit: the biology teacher

I’m back!

I had a brief adventure with Tumblr but I realized I’m not trendy enough.  I wanted to come back to my happy little corner of WordPress.

My life has been a little crazy.  In short, I recently got engaged, which is sort of amazing.  To be honest, I really never thought I would get married.  I have been fiercely independent since childhood and I just never expected to be in this place.

And yet here I am.

And now the new leaf that I have been turning over for oh, about a year, has suddenly become more of a reality.  I have been teaching myself to cook (slow process), decorate (also slow), do household projects myself (learning curve) — you get the picture.  Back to that fiercely independent thing.  My mother was (and is) and amazing mom.  And yet, she was never a cook and her house was always in disarray.  A comfortable chaos, if you will.

As similar as I am to my mother, I have different desires.  I want to learn how to cook and entertain friends in my home.  I want to learn frugal ways to manage my household.  This is just for me.  My fiance, Andrew, could really care less.  He knows my culinary skills are lacking (not because he has tasted my food, but because I am too afraid to cook for him) and yet he still wants to marry me.  Isn’t that nice?

So here we are.  This blog will serve as a part of my learning process.  I’m glad to have you here with me for the adventure.